Competition Regimes in the World - A Civil Society Report

Table of Contents

Foreword for this report has been written by Dr. Supachai Panitchpakdi, Secretary General, UNCTAD, Geneva, Switzerland. The Introductory Chapter by Pradeep S Mehta & Simon J Evenett, (Chair, International Trade & Economic Development, University of St. Gallen, Switzerland), lays out the history of competition laws in the world and how each country went about adopting and strengthening their laws.

I. Asia Pacific

Armenia Australia Azerbaijan Bangladesh Bhutan
Brunei Cambodia China* Fiji Hong Kong
India Indonesia Israel Japan Jordan
Kazakhstan Korea Kyrgyzstan Lao PDR Lebanon
Malaysia Mongolia Nepal New Zealand Pakistan
Papua New Guinea Philippines Russian Federation* Singapore Sri Lanka
Taiwan Tajikistan Thailand Uzbekistan Vietnam

II. Africa

Algeria Angola Benin Botswana Burkina Faso
Cameroon Egypt Ethiopia The Gambia Ghana
Kenya Malawi Mauritius Mozambique Namibia
Nigeria Senegal Sierra Leone South Africa Swaziland
Tanzania Tunisia Uganda Zambia Zimbabwe

III. Europe

European Union Albania Austria Belarus Belgium
Bulgaria Croatia Cyprus Czech Republic Denmark
Estonia Finland France Georgia Germany
Greece Hungary Iceland Ireland Italy
Latvia Lithuania Luxembourg Macedonia Moldova
Malta Netherlands Norway Poland Portugal
Romania Serbia and Montenegro Slovakia Slovenia Spain*
Sweden Switzerland Turkey Ukraine United kingdom

IV. Americas

Caricom Countries Argentina Bolivia Brazil Canada
Chile Colombia Costa Rica Ecuador El Salvador
Guatemala Jamaica Mexico Nicaragua Panama
Paraguay Peru United States of America Venezuela  

* Updated in August 2006

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